In 1946, A.E. Hindman and Leroy Hindman formed Hindman House Moving. In 1961, Leroy Hindman, and his wife Lenora, acquired full interest of Hindman House Moving, and began primarily moving new ready built homes. In 1967, Leroy and Lenora started Hindman Ready Built Homes, Inc. During this time, the company built standard homes on its construction lot in Lubbock, Texas and delivered the homes completed to rural areas where skilled labor and materials were few and far between. This method of getting homes to rural areas saved homeowner’s a substantial amount of money by eliminating costly travel, hourly wages for crew members and delivery fees on materials. This cost advantage method of building in rural areas still holds true today.

Operations of building new ready built homes and moving the newly built homes continued until 1971, when it was realized that both the building and moving of all the homes were just too much for a small business to handle. It was at that time, the moving operations were sold to C&W House Movers, owned by Sonny Bigham, who began to move all of Hindman Ready Built’s homes. Leroy and Lenora continued Hindman Ready Built Homes with only the building side of the business. After Leroy’s passing in 1978, Lenora and her son Mark continued running Hindman Ready Built Homes together. When Lenora passed in 1998, Mark took over the company; which he still does to this day. In 2002, Sonny Bigham retired and sold C&W House Movers. Soon after, C.B. Madewell and Sons began moving all homes for Hindman Ready Built and still moves everything to this day.

In 2004, Mark’s son, Mike, began working full time with the company, and in 2012, Mike’s wife, Jennifer, also began working with the company. In 2014, Mike and Jennifer moved to Houston, Texas to gain additional knowledge in the building industry, while building new homes in The Heights. In 2016, Mike and Jennifer moved back to Lubbock, with a wealth of knowledge to help grow and improve building techniques and knowledge for Hindman Ready Built.

It is our goal to provide the highest quality homes using the highest quality materials and experienced sub-contractors that we can find. Many of our sub-contractors have been with us for 20+ years. We are proud of the product and personalized service that we provide each and every customer. We hope that you will consider us when building your new home!

Please contact us for more information by:

Website : hindmanreadybuilt.com

Socials : Facebook, Instagram

Email : [email protected]

Phone : Mike – 806.763.6239, Jennifer – 806.239.4187, Mark – 806.777.6239


We do NOT keep regular office hours, as we do a lot of the work ourselves. Please contact us before coming out to our yard, so we do not miss meeting with you! If you call and we do not answer, please leave a message or text us so that we can call you back!